About Hartman Hill.
Our mission is to generate profitable growth through premium wood products and exceptional service built on family values.
Brand Promise: Premium Products, Exceptional Service.
We value a strong commitment to family. Honesty and an authentic, common-sense approach are deeply respected, and company decisions are guided by a fair-to-all-approach. We are dedicated stewards of the forest. (And we promise not to take ourselves too seriously.)

The Founders.
Hartman Hill is nestled in the Adirondack Mountains, and for four generations, our family has called this home. Caring for this land and the wood on it is a labor of love.
Our family has deep roots in the wood business. Our great, great-grandfather was a river-driver, moving logs down the Hudson River long before logging trucks. We grew up learning how to care for the land, and we learned how to harvest wood. As children, we spent many a day running water and delivering messages to the loggers in the woods.
From the time we could walk, we worked alongside our parents and grandparents cutting, splitting, and stacking wood. And this holds true today with our own children.
The products that we sell have been processed by us. This is our wood. We know where it came from, how it was processed, and that it was responsibly harvested. We hope to share it with you.

Kathleen Carlton

At Hartman Hill, I manage the administrative end of things, which means that I spend a good bit of time behind a desk and on a computer. Despite the desk job, I haven’t lost my love for the woods! I grew up splitting and stacking wood with my family every weekend. As a kid, I developed a deep connection to nature, and as an adult I am now in the position of helping to sustain the forests through responsible harvesting practices. I get to apply my business skills, work with my family, and contribute to forestry industry. I consider myself very lucky!

Christopher Carlton

I’m the boots on the ground partner. I manage the operational aspects of Hartman Hill. Ever since I was young, spending my summers cutting, splitting, and stacking firewood to heat our family’s home, I’ve had a vision of making the process of using firewood to heat homes more convenient. My childhood days are now a fond memory but unrealistic for most families in today’s fast paced world.
Fast forward to present day, after completing a career working for New York State, I’m trained logger certified, and I’m bringing my vision and experience to life in Hartman Hill where service and convenience are our priority.